We roll up our shirtsleeves and scope out all the intricacies of a project before custom-tailoring solutions that make the most business sense. Example of our work: we helped one of our clients to get better known and work more closely with a group of law firms which can benefit from its services and expertise. We also produced a conference and developed an invitation list specially designed to showcase a fast developing area of the law and our client's resources to work on projects in this area. We undertook a multi-year in depth business and management training programs for all the business managers of an AmLaw Top 50 "A List" law firm. Sandpiper assisted a major financial services company to expand its business with law firms through a series of projects including thought leadership. Sandpiper worked with a fast-growing legal technology company to expand its offerings and showcase its capabilities.
Sandpipers fees are based on retainer agreements or on a project basis. Sandpiper takes on projects on a fee for services basis, and on a reduced fee basis for non-profits. Sandpiper also has business and law firm sponsors for its more than 20 "Business of Law" offerings. We carefully develop with our clients a work plan; time and event schedules; and fee schedules based on the staffing requirements, complexity and expertise each assignment requires. The Glassers have developed and presented over 2,500 educational events and training programs for various law firms, companies and universities; conceived and published more than 800 books and 100 newsletters; and planned and carried out more than 250 business development assignments for law firms and companies. They also have initiated more than 50 surveys and studies on various aspects of law firm management and legal and business topics.